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Compare our prices and FREE delivery to our competitors!

Use the charts below to compare The Island Golf Carts to the other golf cart rental companies on Anna Maria Island.

Many companies will show an upfront price that is attractive to customers, however additional charges for delivery, pick-up, fuel, credit card processing, among others are not shown until check-out.

The prices you see listed for each company has all additional charges, fees, and taxes added to make one total price!

*All prices below are for six-seater carts. Rates have been updated on 06/06/24. Some companies have dynamic pricing that changes during busy and slow seasons and is not accounted for in the chart below. Please conduct your own research when looking for a golf cart rental company and do not rely solely on the charts below.

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When choosing The Island Golf Carts, everything is included for the best price on AMI!

Not only do we have the best prices, we also provide some of the newest carts. All of our carts are years 2022 - 2024. Our customer service is TOP NOTCH and we’re rated 5.0 Stars on Google.